BMW M8 Competition Coupe vs Mercedes AMG S 63 Coupe difference (2019) – a quick comparison

BMW M8 Competition Coupe vs Mercedes AMG S 63 Coupe comparison
BMW M8 Competition Coupe vs Mercedes AMG S 63 Coupe comparison

Welcome to the simple comparison between two German Coupe monsters on wheels, BMW M8 Competition Coupe vs Mercedes AMG S 63 Coupe. Please note that this is only a technical comparison, based solely on technical data of both cars. Not a real-life BMW M8 vs Mercedes AMG S 63 Coupe review.

In this article, we would like to show you the technical differences between BMW M8 Competition Coupe vs Mercedes AMG S 63 Coupe. We put them side by side to figure out their weaknesses and advantages.

In this video, you can find the differences between M8 Competition Coupe vs AMG S 63 Coupe in the following categories:
– External dimensions (length, width, height, wheelbase, ground clearance)
– Interior dimensions (headroom, legroom, shoulder room)
– Cargo volume/luggage compartment, weight
– Maximum power, maximum torque, top speed, acceleration 0-100 km/h / 0-62 mph

Exterior dimensions: M8 Competition Coupe vs AMG S 63 Coupe

BMW M8 Competition Coupe vs Mercedes AMG S 63 Coupe exterior dimension: length, width, height, wheelbase, ground clearance
Exterior dimension: length, width, height, wheelbase, ground clearance

BMW M8 Competition Coupe is 4.867 mm/191,6 inches long, 1.907 mm/75,1 inches wide, and 1.362 mm/53,6 inches high. It has 2.827 mm / 111,3 inches long wheelbase. Its ground clearance is 128 mm / 5 inches.

Mercedes AMG S 63 Coupe is 5.051 mm / 198,9 inches long, 1.913 mm / 75,3 inches wide, 1.422 mm / 56 inches high, and has 2.945 mm / 115,9 inches long wheelbase. Its ground clearance is 119 mm / 4,7 inches.

That means that BMW M8 Competition Coupe is 184 mm shorter, 6 mm narrower, 60 mm lower, with 118 mm shorter wheelbase, and has 9 mm more ground clearance compared to Mercedes AMG S 63 Coupe.

Luggage compartment and weight: M8 has slightly more volume and lower weight

BMW M8 Competition Coupe vs Mercedes AMG S 63 Coupe: luggage compartment/cargo volume, weight
BMW M8 Competition Coupe vs Mercedes AMG S 63 Coupe: luggage compartment/cargo volume, weight

BMW M8 Competition Coupe has 420 liters of luggage volume (VDA, seats up). On the other hand, Mercedes AMG S 63 Coupe has 400 liters of luggage volume (VDA, seats up).

Therefore, BMW M8 Competition Coupe has 20 liters more basic luggage volume. I am sure buyers will not decide between these two on the basis of luggage volume, to be honest.

Which one has more powerful engines and better performance?

BMW M8 Competition Coupe vs Mercedes AMG S 63 Coupe: engine (displacement, max power, torque) and performance (top speed, acceleration (0-100 km/h, 0-62 mph))
Engine (displacement, max power, torque) and performance (top speed, acceleration (0-100 km/h, 0-62 mph)) comparison

Both cars are extremely powerful. The BMW M8 Competition Coupe provides 625 HP / 460 kW and maximum 750 Nm / 553 lb.ft. of torque.

Mercedes AMG S 63 Coupe engine is just a fragment weaker. It can provide up to 612 HP / 450 kW of power. The torque figures are much better than BMW’s: 900 Nm or 664 lb.ft, meaning 150 Nm more than its Bavarian competitor.

The BMW M8 Competition Coupe has a top speed of 305 km/h / 190 mph, while the Mercedes AMG S 63 Coupe reaches the maximum speed of 300 km/h / 186 mph.

BMW M8 Competition Coupe accelerates from 0-100 kilometers per hour (0-62 miles per hour) in 3,2 seconds, while Mercedes AMG S 63 Coupe needs 3,5 seconds to reach that speed.

On paper, BMW looks a bit faster and quicker, although it is hard to imagine the real-time difference when these two masterpieces face each other on the road or racetrack.

What about fuel economy?

BMW M8 Competition Coupe vs Mercedes AMG S 63 Coupe fuel economy: consumption (EPA, ECE), CO2 emissions
Fuel economy: the one with the star on the hood wins

Mercedes managed to achieve better fuel economy, especially in urban cycle, where the difference is pretty big, the car with the star on the hood needs 3,2 liters less fuel for every 100 kilometers.

Lower fuel consumption also results in lower emissions. Although we can not expect these type of cars to be environmental friendly, the nature will be a bit more pleased when S 63 Coupe will drive by.

M8 Competition Coupe vs AMG S 63 Coupe price comparison

BMW M8 Competition Coupe vs Mercedes AMG S 63 Coupe price comparison in USA, Germany and in the UK
M8 vs S63 Price comparison in USA, Germany and in the UK

The prices and availability of the specific car model may vary from country to country, but based on the markets we monitor (mainly the USA, UK, and Germany), we can say that BMW M8 Competition Coupe might be on average more affordable to buy, comparing the base model price of both cars.

You can also check some lower priced BMW Coupes’.

For more info, please check the price comparison chapter in the above image or in the video.

★ ★ Credits: ★ ★
➜ Music: Inner Light by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
➜ Original images are taken from the manufacturers’ press releases and transformed/resized for the purpose of research and comparison.

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