Seat Arona vs Skoda Kamiq – Spanish vs Czech German

Seat Arona vs Skoda Kamiq comparison
Seat Arona vs Skoda Kamiq comparison

If you are not really sure what is the difference, we decided to make a technical comparison between Seat Arona vs Skoda Kamiq. Do you need more space, better performance, lower price? This article might help you a little bit. Or a lot.

Please note that this is only a technical comparison, based solely on the technical data of both cars. Not a real-life 2021 Seat Arona vs 2021 Skoda Kamiq review.

In this video, you can find the differences between Arona vs Kamiq in the following categories:

  • External dimensions (length, width, height, wheelbase, ground clearance)
  • Interior dimensions (headroom, legroom, shoulder room)
  • Cargo volume/luggage compartment, weight
  • Maximum power, maximum torque, top speed, acceleration 0-100 km/h / 0-62 mph
  • Safety (Euro NCAP crash test results)

Exterior dimensions: Arona vs Kamiq

Seat Arona vs Skoda Kamiq exterior dimension: length, width, height, wheelbase, ground clearance
Seat Arona vs Skoda Kamiq exterior dimension: length, width, height, wheelbase, ground clearance

Seat Arona is 4138 mm / 162,9 inches long, 1780 mm / 70,1 inches wide, 1552 mm / 61,1 inches high, and has 2566 mm / 101 inches long wheelbase. Its ground clearance is 190 mm / 7,5 inches.

Skoda Kamiq is 4241 mm / 167 inches long, 1793 mm / 70,6 inches wide, 1553 mm / 61,1 inches high, and has 2651 mm / 104,4 inches long wheelbase. Its ground clearance is 188 mm / 7,4 inches.

That means that Seat Arona is 103 mm shorter, 13 mm narrower, 1 mm lower, with an 85 mm shorter wheelbase, and has 2 mm more ground clearance compared to Skoda Kamiq.

See also: Skoda Kamiq vs VW T-Roc

Luggage compartment and weight: Arona lighter

Seat Arona vs Skoda Kamiq: luggage compartment/cargo volume, weight
Seat Arona vs Skoda Kamiq: luggage compartment/cargo volume, weight

Seat Arona has 400 liters of luggage volume (VDA, seats up). With rear seats folded down, the cargo capacity extends to 1280 liters.

On the other hand, Skoda Kamiq has 400 liters of luggage volume (VDA, seats up). With rear seats folded down, the cargo capacity extends to 1395 liters.

Therefore, Seat Arona has 0 liters less volume when seats are up, and 115 less volume when the rear seats are folded down.

Engines are the same

Arona and Kamiq share the exact same engines
Arona and Kamiq share the exact same engines

The engine power of Seat Arona ranges from 90 HP / 66 kW to 150 HP / 110 kW. The maximum torque is available from 160 Nm / 118 lb.ft. to 250 Nm / 184 lb.ft.

Skoda Kamiq engines are available from 90 HP / 66 kW to 150 HP / 110 kW. Depending on the engine, the maximum torque is available from 160 Nm / 118 lb.ft. to 250 Nm / 184 lb.ft.

Arona vs Kamiq performance

Despite the same engines, Kamiq is a bit faster
Despite the same engines, Kamiq is a bit faster

The slowest Seat Arona has a top speed of 172 km/h / 107 mph, while the fastest version can go up to 205 km/h / 127 mph.

The slowest Skoda Kamiq reaches the maximum speed of 176 km/h / 109 mph, and the fastest option available goes to 215 km/h / 134 mph.

Seat Arona accelerates from 0-100 kilometers per hour (0-62 miles per hour) between 13,2 (slowest version) and 8 seconds (quickest version).

The technical specification for Skoda Kamiq shows that this car model accelerates from 0-100 kilometers per hour (0-62 miles per hour) between 12,5 (slowest version) and 8 seconds (quickest version).

Safety? Both 5-star rating, Kamiq wins

EuroNCAP safety ratings: Arona vs Kamiq
EuroNCAP safety ratings: Arona vs Kamiq

Both cars received a 5-star rating in the EuroNCAP crash test. But for those who believe every percent in safety matters, Kamiq might be the better choice. Please note though safety ratings can not be directly compared because the test was performed in different years.

Arona vs Kamiq price comparison

Seat Arona vs Skoda Kamiq price comparison: expectedly similar
Seat Arona vs Skoda Kamiq price comparison: expectedly similar

The prices and availability of the specific car model may vary from country to country, but based on the markets we monitor (mainly the USA, UK, and Germany), we can say that Skoda Kamiq might be on average more affordable to buy, comparing the base model price of both cars. For more info, please check the price comparison chapter in the above video.

Video: World Auto Evolution

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