BMW X2 vs Volvo XC40: brand new small premium SUVs head to head

BMW X2 vs Volvo XC40 comparison
BMW X2 vs Volvo XC40 comparison

In this comparison, we included two completely new models. Both are without predecessors, they both belong to a premium class and in our opinion, they both belong among the most beautiful and most attractive competitors in their class. Let’s see how BMW X2 vs Volvo XC40 look like head to head.

Video comparison: BMW X2 vs Volvo XC40

A complete video comparison between Volvo XC40 vs BMW X2. Some of the info has been updated since this video was released in November 2017. You can find the updated information later on in this article.

Are you more of a BMW fan? Then don’t miss out our BMW X2 vs BMW X1 comparison here.

Basic info


Manufacturer: BMW
Production: 2017 – present (first generation)
Class: Subcompact luxury SUV / crossover
Assembly: Regensburg (Germany)

Volvo XC40

Manufacturer: Volvo Cars
Production: 2017 – present
Class: Subcompact luxury SUV / crossover
Assembly: Ghent (Belgium)

Exterior dimensions: X2 vs XC40

BMW X2 vs Volvo XC40 exterior dimension length width height wheelbase ground clearance

BMW X2 vs Volvo XC40: exterior dimension (length, width, height, wheelbase, ground clearance)

As you can see in the image above, new Volvo XC40 is 65 mm longer and 39 mm wider than the new BMW X2. Looking strictly at the exterior dimensions, the biggest difference is in height, where Volvo is almost 5 inches (126 mm) taller than its German premium SUV competitor.

XC40 also has a longer distance between front and rear axle (longer wheelbase), and the difference in ground clearance between Volvo XC40 vs BMW X2 is 29 mm or 1.1 inch.

BMW X2 vs Volvo XC40 interior dimensions

BMW X2 vs Volvo XC40 interior dimension head leg shoulder room

BMW X2 vs Volvo XC40: interior dimensions (legroom, head room, shoulder room)

Some of the additional millimeters from the exterior is clearly transferred into the interior. Therefore, Volvo XC40 can offer a bit more headroom front and also on the rear bench. Shoulder room is also a bit more generous in the Swedish competitor, both front, and rear.

As far as exterior and interior dimensions are concerned, the only measurement BMW X2 has an advantage on is the rear legroom, where X2 beats XC40 for as much as 15 mm.

X2 vs XC40 luggage compartment

BMW X2 vs Volvo XC40 trunk size cargo volume lugagge compartment

BMW X2 vs Volvo XC40: luggage compartment/cargo volume

It is very hard to rely on all the different measuring standards throughout the world when luggage volume is in question. But based on the numbers available, the Europeans think both cars have almost identical luggage volume. BMW X2 has a 10 liters advantage in basic luggage volume, while Volvo XC40 has 5 liters more when the rear seats are folded.

On the other hand, the Americans think X2 can carry more bags to your vacation. In both cases, we suggest you test drive both these cars and see in person which trunk is more suitable to your needs.

BMW X2 vs Volvo XC40 engines

BMW X2 vs Volvo XC40 engines petrol diesel power torque displacement

BMW X2 vs Volvo XC40 engines: engines (petrol, diesel, max power, max torque)

Since both BMW X2 and Volvo XC40 are still very new on the market, a complete engine range is still not available. Like the least powerful X2 sDrive16d with 85 kW engine, which is included in the engine range, but not yet on the price list. There are also loud rumors about most powerful X2 M35i coming on the market soon, but not all the details are known yet.

Anyway, from what we know, at the moment Volvo XC40 has a bit more powerful engines. And BMW’s top of the range diesel version beats XC40 in maximum torque for 50 Nm.

Performance: X2 vs XC40

BMW X2 vs Volvo XC40 performance top speed acceleration

BMW X2 vs Volvo XC40: performance (top speed, acceleration 0-100 km/h, 0-62 mph)

Performance comparison between X2 vs XC40 shows there are no major differences in terms of top speed and 0-100 km/h acceleration. Towards the top of the range, both of these fresh premium SUV’s can be pretty fast and quick.

BMW X2 vs Volvo XC40 price

BMW X2 vs Volvo XC40 price USA Germany UK France

BMW X2 vs Volvo XC40: price comparison (USA, Germany, UK, France)

At the moment, Volvo XC40 is a bit cheaper in all compared countries. With X2 sDrive16d, things might change. Or not. We will see.

For now, the price difference is very small, so choosing between BMW X2 vs Volvo XC40 is more the matter of personal needs and brand awareness than anything else.

Image credit: BMW, Volvo, World Auto Evolution Youtube Channel

Video credit: World Auto Evolution Youtube Channel

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