Mazda CX-5 vs CX-3: is CX-5 worth 35 percent more than CX-3?

Mazda CX-5 vs Mazda CX-3 comparison
Mazda CX-5 vs Mazda CX-3 comparison

The comparison between Mazda CX-5 vs CX-3, based on technical details. Looking at the price list, the bigger Mazda CX-5 base model is on average around 35% more expensive than her smaller sister CX-3. But is it really worth paying that extra for the CX-3 to CX-5 upgrade? Let’s look at some numbers to find out.

CX-5 vs CX-3 exterior dimensions: Yes, CX-5 is bigger

Mazda CX-5 vs Mazda CX-3 exterior dimension length width height wheelbase ground clearance

Mazda CX-5 vs Mazda CX-3: exterior dimensions (length, width, height, wheelbase, and ground clearance)

It is no surprise that Mazda CX-5 is larger than the CX-3 model on the outside. But how much? In fact, quite a lot. CX-5 is more that 10 inches (275 mm) longer, 3 inches (75 mm) wider and more that 5 inches (140 mm) higher compared to CX-3. It also has 5.1 inches (130 mm) longer wheelbase and is 35 mm (1.4 inches) higher above the ground.

Bigger exterior dimensions usually mean more interior room, so let’s look inside.

Interior dimensions: Mazda CX-5 vs Mazda CX-3

Mazda CX-5 vs Mazda CX-3 interior dimension head leg shoulder room

Mazda CX-5 vs Mazda CX-3: interior dimension (head, leg, and shoulder room)

2017 Mazda CX5 is also larger on the inside and is more generous with room for both, front and rear row passengers. While headroom difference is not so obvious, the biggest CX-5 vs CX-3 advantage is in shoulder room front and rear (90 mm / 3.6 inches wider front and 111 mm / 4.4 inches rear). Because of the more generous wheelbase, CX-5 is also able to offer much more leg room for the 2nd-row passengers, 118 mm / 4.6 inches to be exact.

And that is the fact worth to consider when deciding what you actually need and expect from your new car. Do you need that extra space or is your 2nd row mostly empty?

CX-5 vs CX-3 cargo volume: significant difference

Mazda CX-5 vs Mazda CX-3 trunk size cargo volume lugagge compartment

Mazda CX-5 vs Mazda CX-3: trunk size

In our opinion, one of the biggest advantages of Mazda CX-5 over Mazda CX-3 is the difference in the amount of luggage it can carry. As we wrote at the beginning, CX-5 is 35% more expensive than CX-3. Well, it is. But its cargo volume (when rear seats are up) is almost 45% larger (VDA). And if we do some simple and funny math, you pay less for one liter of luggage space if you purchase Mazda CX-5.

Engines: where CX-3 ends, CX-5 starts

Mazda CX-5 vs Mazda CX-3 engines petrol diesel power torque displacement

Mazda CX-5 vs Mazda CX-3 engines: weakest CX-5 is strongest CX-3

The comparison of maximum engine power is very clear. 2017 Mazda CX-3 engines start from 105 hp and end at 150 hp, exactly where CX-5 starts. The most powerful Mazda CX-5 has 184 hp, 34 hp more that its strongest baby sister.

Performance: there is a difference, but not decisive

Mazda CX-5 vs Mazda CX-3 performance top speed acceleration

Mazda CX-5 vs Mazda CX-3: performance comparison (top speed, acceleration)

Performance wise, Mazda CX-5 offers more. It is faster and quicker than 2017 CX-3. The difference is not so obvious, of course, due to the fact that the Mazda CX-3 is smaller and much lighter. So we don’t think the performance section is the decisive factor in choosing the appropriate road companion between these two Mazda crossovers.

Mazda CX-5 vs CX-3 price: 35% more for CX-5

Mazda CX-5 vs Mazda CX-3 price USA Germany UK France

Mazda CX-5 vs Mazda CX-3 price USA Germany UK France

The above figures are the base model price of both compared models. In some countries the difference is smaller, in some, it is bigger. A quick look shows that the smallest price difference is in the United States, but on average, Mazda CX-5 is around 35% more expensive.

The difference is not so small, so we believe the price factor might be an important one. Especially the French might want to consider whether to go for CX-5 or take the smaller CX-3 and go on a trip around the world with the rest of the money, for example.

Detailed Mazda CX-5 review here.

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Image credit: Mazda, World Auto Evolution on Youtube

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