Mercedes GLC Coupe vs GLE Coupe: how different are they?

Mercedes GLC Coupe vs Mercedes GLE Coupe comparison
Mercedes GLC Coupe vs Mercedes GLE Coupe comparison

If you are not really sure what is the difference, we decided to make a technical comparison between Mercedes GLC Coupe vs GLE Coupe.

Are you a German luxury car brands fan? Do you like those sporty powerful coupe beasts but would also like to be more confident in all driving conditions, even when roads run out? Well, Mercedes can offer you at least two vehicles that can satisfy these needs. They produce a “smaller” Mercedes GLC Coupe and a larger GLE Coupe.

Video comparison: Mercedes GLC Coupe vs GLE Coupe

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Exterior dimensions: GLC Coupe vs GLE Coupe

Mercedes GLC Coupe vs GLE Coupe exterior dimension length width height wheelbase ground clearance

Mercedes GLC Coupe vs GLE Coupe: exterior dimension (length, width, height, wheelbase, ground clearance)

To make things clear right from the start: both GLC Coupe and GLE Coupe are big vehicles. Maybe not on the picture, but when you see them on the road, they look huge, especially on the parking lots.

But of course, there is a difference in size. In general, as you probably already know, the letter E in Mercedes-Benz lineup is above letter C. That is also the case here.

Mercedes GLE Coupe is longer, wider, and higher than GLC Coupe. It also has a longer wheelbase (not much) and a bit more ground clearance. If you believe GLC Coupe is big, then GLE Coupe is huge, considering the fact that it is 168 mm longer, 113 mm wider and 129 mm higher.

Interior dimensions: Mercedes GLC Coupe vs GLE Coupe

Mercedes GLC Coupe vs GLE Coupe interior dimension head leg shoulder room

Mercedes GLC Coupe vs GLE Coupe: interior dimensions (legroom, head room, shoulder room)

The interior dimensions difference (if we can trust official measurements) is not as big as it could be. Maybe the legroom difference is big, but unfortunately, we can not get those number to be able to compare them.

GLC Coupe even has a little more headroom on (or above) the rear seats. The biggest difference is in shoulder room rear, where GLE Coupe offers 46 mm / 1,9 inch more space.

Luggage compartment: Mercedes GLC Coupe vs Mercedes GLE Coupe

Mercedes GLC Coupe vs Mercedes GLE Coupe trunk size cargo volume lugagge compartment

Mercedes GLC Coupe vs GLE Coupe: luggage compartment/cargo volume

If there are no significant differences in the passenger compartment, they are more obvious in the luggage compartment. Mercedes GLE Coupe has more cargo volume, if your seats are up or if you fold them down.

GLC Coupe has 500 liters of basic luggage volume (150 liters less than GLE Coupe) and 1,400 liters with rear seats folded down (320 liters less than GLE Coupe).

Mercedes GLC Coupe vs GLE Coupe engines

Mercedes GLC Coupe vs Mercedes GLE Coupe engines petrol diesel power torque displacement

Mercedes GLC Coupe vs GLE Coupe: engines (petrol, diesel, max power, max torque)

Bigger size demands bigger and more powerful engines. We can clearly see that from the image above. Mercedes GLE Coupe has more powerful petrol and diesel engines, with more max torque and bigger displacement (on average).

But don’t be tricked. Even Mercedes GLC Coupe has a top of the range engine with over 500 HP! There are probably less than ten SUV’s in the world that has more power.

Performance: GLC Coupe vs GLE Coupe

Mercedes GLC Coupe vs Mercedes GLE Coupe performance top speed acceleration

GLC vs GLE Coupe: performance (top speed, acceleration 0-100 km/h, 0-62 mph)

Since both GLC Coupe and GLE coupe are so powerful their top of the range versions has an electronically limited top speed at 280 km/h (174 mph). On the other end, GLE Coupe has a bit faster slowest version.

Due to a smaller size and lower weight, the quickest GLC Coupe beats the GLE Coupe in a 0-100 km/h (0-62 mph) drag race by 0,4 seconds and reaches this speed in a fascinating time of 3,8 seconds.

Mercedes GLC Coupe vs GLE Coupe price comparison

Mercedes GLC Coupe vs Mercedes GLE Coupe price USA Germany UK France

Mercedes GLC Coupe vs GLE Coupe: price comparison (USA, Germany, UK, France)

Mercedes GLE Coupe has a much higher starting price compared to its smaller brother. The difference in price is actually so big, you can buy one of those nice new small SUV’s that are flooding the market recently.


It is true that GLE Coupe is bigger and much more impressive on the road. It offers a little bit more (not much) interior room for passengers, for about a quarter more luggage space and more powerful entry version with noticeably better acceleration and top speed (still talking about the entry version).

On the other hand, GLC Coupe is far from being small. And we think deciding to buy a coupe-like SUV, the roominess is not your number one priority. Therefore we think the GLC coupe might be, considering the price difference, a better choice here.

Image credit: Mercedes, World Auto Evolution Youtube Channel

Video credit: World Auto Evolution Youtube Channel

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