Skoda Kamiq vs Volkswagen T-Roc difference – is VW worth more?

Skoda Kamiq vs Volkswagen T-Roc comparison
Skoda Kamiq vs Volkswagen T-Roc comparison

If you are not really sure what is the difference, we decided to make a technical comparison between Skoda Kamiq vs Volkswagen T-Roc. Let’s compare some numbers and find out which one suits you more.

Skoda is historically known to be a more affordable brand compared to Volkswagen. Their cars may not have all the latest technical candies, but they have always been able to justify this shortcoming with a more attractive price tag. The differences decrease significantly over the years, as does the difference in price. Can the Volkswagen T-Roc still justify the higher price in comparison with Skoda Kamiq?

Basic info

Skoda Kamiq

Manufacturer: Skoda Auto
Production: 2019 – present
Class: Subcompact crossover SUV
Assembly: Czech Republic

Volkswagen T-Roc

Manufacturer: Volkswagen
Production: 2017 – present
Class: Subcompact crossover SUV
Assembly: Germany, Portugal, China

Video comparison: Kamiq vs T-Roc

In the video, you can find the differences between Kamiq vs T-Roc in the following categories:

  • Exterior dimensions (length, width, height, wheelbase, ground clearance)
  • Luggage volume and weight
  • Maximum power, maximum torque, top speed, acceleration 0-100 km/h / 0-62 mph
  • Safety (Euro NCAP crash test results)
  • Price difference

Exterior dimensions: Skoda Kamiq vs Volkswagen T-Roc

Similar dimensions, Kamiq a bit higher from the ground.
Similar dimensions, Kamiq a bit higher from the ground.

Skoda Kamiq is 4241 mm / 167 inches long, 1793 mm / 70,6 inches wide, 1553 mm / 61,1 inches high, and has 2651 mm / 104,4 inches long wheelbase. Its ground clearance is 188 mm / 7,4 inches.

Volkswagen T-Roc is 4234 mm / 166,7 inches long, 1819 mm / 71,6 inches wide, 1572 mm / 61,9 inches high, and has 2593 mm / 102,1 inches long wheelbase. Its ground clearance is 161 mm / 6,3 inches.

That means that Skoda Kamiq is 7 mm longer, 26 mm narrower, 19 mm lower, with 58 mm longer wheelbase, and has 27 mm more ground clearance compared to Volkswagen T-Roc.

To small? Maybe Kodiaq, Tiguan, or Seat Tarraco would be more suitable for you.

Luggage compartment: T-Roc wins with seats up, Kamiq with seats down

A bit different body shape reflects in luggage volume, in favor of Kamiq vs T-Roc
A bit different body shape reflects in luggage volume, in favor of Kamiq vs T-Roc

Skoda Kamiq has 400 liters of luggage volume (VDA, seats up). With rear seats folded down, the cargo capacity extends to 1395 liters.

On the other hand, Volkswagen T-Roc has 445 liters of luggage volume (VDA, seats up). With rear seats folded down, the cargo capacity extends to 1290 liters.

Therefore, Skoda Kamiq has 45 liters less volume when seats are up, and due to steeper rear end 105 liters more volume when the rear seats are folded down.

VW T-Roc has more power

Skoda Kamiq vs Volkswagen T-Roc engines: petrol, diesel, max power, max torque
VW is the clear winner here

The engine power of Skoda Kamiq ranges from 95 HP / 70 kW to 150 HP / 110 kW. The maximum torque is available from 175 Nm / 129 lb.ft. to 250 Nm / 184 lb.ft.

Volkswagen T-Roc engines are available from 115 HP / 85 kW to 300 HP / 221 kW. Depending on the engine, the maximum torque is available from 200 Nm / 148 lb.ft. to 400 Nm / 295 lb.ft.

It is clear that T-Roc has a more powerful engine range compared to Kamiq. This is probably one of the ways VW Group tells its customers which brand is still more predominant.

Better engines, better performance

A noticeable difference in performance is shown in the top of the range models
A noticeable difference in performance is shown in the top of the range models

The slowest Skoda Kamiq has a top speed of 181 km/h / 112 mph, while the fastest version can go up to 213 km/h / 132 mph.

The slowest Volkswagen T-Roc reaches the maximum speed of 187 km/h / 116 mph, and the fastest option available goes to 250 km/h / 155 mph.

Skoda Kamiq accelerates from 0-100 kilometers per hour (0-62 miles per hour) between 11,1 (slowest version) and 8,3 seconds (quickest version).

The technical specification for Volkswagen T-Roc shows that this car model accelerates from 0-100 kilometers per hour (0-62 miles per hour) between 10,9 (slowest version) and 4,8 seconds (quickest version).

Safety: both excellent

5 EuroNCAP stars for both models
5 EuroNCAP stars for both models

Although the EuroNCAP test was made in different years and is therefore not directly comparable, both Skoda Kamiq and Volkswagen T-Roc achieved the maximum 5-stars rating.

Price comparison: Skoda Kamiq expectedly cheaper

You need 20% less for base model Skoda Kamiq vs Volkswagen T-Roc
You need 20% less for base model Skoda Kamiq vs Volkswagen T-Roc

Skoda Kamiq is on average more affordable to buy, comparing the base model price of both cars. In Germany, the difference is around 3.500 EUR, in the UK around 2.800 GBP.

The difference might seem not so obvious in absolute amount, but the conversion into percentages shows as much as a 20% difference.

I believe the first reason for the price difference is the position inside VW Group. The second reason is for sure the engine range because Kamiq starts a bit lower on the power scale.

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