Škoda Kodiaq vs Volkswagen Tiguan: more space or better (for now) pedigree?

Skoda Kodiaq vs Volkswagen Tiguan comparison
Skoda Kodiaq vs Volkswagen Tiguan comparison

Since SUV’s are gaining more and more popularity, we decided to put together two vehicles from VW Group, Skoda Kodiaq vs Volkswagen Tiguan. This comparison is based on technical details only and is not a real life review or test drive. We just want to give you an impression of how these two vehicles are similar yet different.

Video comparison: Kodiaq vs Tiguan

Basic info

Skoda Kodiaq

Manufacturer: Skoda Auto
Production: 2017 – present
Model Years: 2017 – present
Class: Mid-size SUV
Assembly: Kvasiny (Czech Republic), Aurangabad (India), Solomonovo (Ukraine)

Volkswagen Tiguan

Manufacturer: Volkswagen
Production (second generation): 2016 – present
Model Years: 2017 – present
Class: SUV
Assembly: Wolfsburg (Germany), Puebla (Mexico), Maharashtra (India), Pekan (Malaysia)

Exterior dimensions: Skoda Kodiaq vs Volkswagen Tiguan

Skoda Kodiaq vs Volkswagen Tiguan exterior dimension length width height wheelbase ground clearance

Skoda Kodiaq vs Volkswagen Tiguan: exterior dimension (length, width, height, wheelbase, ground clearance)

It is obvious that Skoda Kodiaq is quite larger than VW Tiguan on the outside. The difference in length is more than 20 centimeters (more than 8 inches), Kodiaq is also a bit wider. The difference in length is also reflected in a longer wheelbase. The height is almost the same, so if you can squeeze Tiguan into your garage, you will have no problem with Kodiaq either.

The only higher value Volkswagen Tiguan has compared to Skoda Kodiaq is the ground clearance. The Tiguan’s belly lies 13 mm / 0.5 inches higher above the ground.

Interior dimensions: Skoda Kodiaq vs Volkswagen Tiguan

Skoda Kodiaq vs Volkswagen Tiguan interior dimension legroom head room shoulder room

Skoda Kodiaq vs Volkswagen Tiguan: interior dimensions (legroom, head room, shoulder room)

Based on the exterior dimensions we would expect the larger difference in the interior. But this is not the case here. Yes, Skoda Kodiaq still offers more interior room for the passenger than Volkswagen Tiguan, but the difference is actually not so big. Unfortunately, we could not find any data for the legroom of both cars.

Luggage compartment: Skoda Kodiaq vs Volkswagen Tiguan

Skoda Kodiaq vs Volkswagen Tiguan luggage compartment cargo volume

Skoda Kodiaq vs Volkswagen Tiguan: luggage compartment

Both cars offer enormous cargo volume, one of the largest in their class. But since Kodiaq dimensionally belongs to one size larger segment, it is no surprise its luggage compartment is bigger, both basic volume and with rear seats folded. Skoda Kodiaq also offers additional 6th and 7th seat in the third row.

Engines: Skoda Kodiaq vs Volkswagen Tiguan

Skoda Kodiaq vs Volkswagen Tiguan engines petrol diesel max power torque

Skoda Kodiaq vs Volkswagen Tiguan: engines (petrol, diesel, max power, max torque)

Both cars offer petrol and diesel engines of the same displacement. Looking at the maximum power, Skoda Kodiaq power range is more narrow than the one in  Volkswagen Tiguan. Especially on the upper end, Volkswagen Tiguan is equipped with a much more powerful engine, beating Skoda Kodiaq for 50 HP / 36 kW. We think the VW Group hierarchy is clearly displayed here.

Performace: Skoda Kodiaq vs Volkswagen Tiguan

Skoda Kodiaq vs Volkswagen Tiguan performance top speed acceleration

Skoda Kodiaq vs Volkswagen Tiguan: performance (top speed, acceleration 0-100 km/h, 0-62 mph)

The difference in maximum power and torque is of course transferred into the performance section. The slowest Skoda Kodiaq is a bit faster and quicker than the slowest Volkswagen Tiguan. And the fastest Volkswagen Tiguan is much faster and quicker than the fastest Skoda Kodiaq.

Price: Skoda Kodiaq vs Volkswagen Tiguan

Skoda Kodiaq vs Volkswagen Tiguan price germany uk france

Skoda Kodiaq vs Volkswagen Tiguan: price comparison (Germany, UK, France)

If you want us to be extremely accurate comparing the price tags of both cars than we must say the Skoda Kodiaq is cheaper than Volkswagen Tiguan in all compared countries. But the actual price difference is really small. Therefore we can easily claim that the basic Kodiaq and Tiguan model costs the same.

Final comparison

The first thing we notice about Skoda Kodiaq vs Volkswagen Tiguan comparison is they both belong to the VW Group. And inside the group, different brands have a different pedigree. For now, it is clear that Volkswagen brand is in front of Skoda brand. But how much in front? Well, let’s say about 20 centimeters in size or 100 liters in luggage volume. That is how much less length and luggage volume you get for the same price when choosing Tiguan over Kodiaq (please note we are making this assumptions based strictly on numbers).

But the difference is getting smaller and smaller. If nothing else, the very important indicator are the sales numbers and exceptional demand for Skoda Kodiaq. If you managed to get one in a decent time, than consider yourself very lucky.

Image credit: Skoda, Volkswagen, World Auto Evolution Youtube Channel

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