Seat Tarraco vs Skoda Kodiaq (2019) comparison – nearly identical twins

Seat Tarraco vs Skoda Kodiaq comparison
Seat Tarraco vs Skoda Kodiaq comparison

For this comparison, we chose Seat Tarraco vs Skoda Kodiaq. Do you have your favorite? Maybe you will change your mind.

Please note that this is only a technical comparison, based solely on technical data of both cars. Not a real-life Seat Tarraco vs Skoda Kodiaq review.

Video comparison: Tarraco vs Kodiaq

Basic info

Seat Tarraco

Manufacturer: Seat
Production: 2018 – present
Class: mid-size crossover SUV
Assembly: Germany

Skoda Kodiaq

Manufacturer: Skoda
Production: 2016 – present
Class: mid-size crossover SUV
Assembly: Czech republic, China, India, Russia, Ukraine

Exterior dimensions: Seat Tarraco vs Skoda Kodiaq

Tarraco is longer, Kodiaq wider, same wheelbase
Tarraco is longer, Kodiaq wider, same wheelbase

Seat Tarraco is 4735 mm / 186,4 inches long, 1839 mm / 72,4 inches wide, 1658 mm / 65,3 inches high, and has 2790 mm / 109,8 inches long wheelbase. Its ground clearance is 201 mm / 7,9 inches.

Skoda Kodiaq is 4697 mm / 184,9 inches long, 1882 mm / 74,1 inches wide, 1676 mm / 66 inches high, and has 2791 mm / 109,9 inches long wheelbase. Its ground clearance is 188 mm / 7,4 inches.

That means that Seat Tarraco is 38 mm longer, 43 mm narrower, 18 mm lower, with 1 mm shorter wheelbase, and has 13 mm more ground clearance compared to Skoda Kodiaq.

Interior dimensions

Some differences, but nothing decisive

While Kodiaq is a bit wider on the outside, Tarraco offers more shoulder room inside, for both front and rear-seat passengers. I guess these are just cold numbers on paper, in reality, you probably won’t feel much difference.

Luggage volume, most important indicator?

Tarraco has bigger basic luggage volume, Kodiaq lead when seats are folded
Tarraco has bigger basic luggage volume, Kodiaq leads when rear seats are folded

Since SUVs are all about usability, quality free time spending, and family adventures, the size of the trunk plays a big role. And both, Tarraco and Kodiaq, are known to put a lot of effort into adding those extra liters to the total luggage volume. And they are both successful.

Seat Tarraco has 760 liters of luggage volume (VDA, seats up). With rear seats folded down, the cargo capacity extends to 2000 liters.

On the other hand, Skoda Kodiaq has 720 liters of luggage volume (VDA, seats up). With rear seats folded down, the cargo capacity extends to 2065 liters.

Therefore, Seat Tarraco has 40 liters more volume when seats are up, and 65 less volume when the rear seats are folded down.

The above figures are for 5-seater versions, but since I believe a lot of buyers will go for 7-seaters, the difference is even bigger. Tarraco lead increases to 70 liters with seats up, while Kodiaq lead is bigger by 230 liters with 2nd and 3rd row folded.

Engines – Kodiaq goes higher

The same entry engine, Kodiaq engine range ends much higher

The engine power of Seat Tarraco ranges from 150 HP / 110 kW to 190 HP / 140 kW. The maximum torque is available from 250 Nm / 184 lb.ft. to 400 Nm / 295 lb.ft.

Skoda Kodiaq engines are available from 150 HP / 110 kW to 240 HP / 177 kW. Depending on the engine, the maximum torque is available from 250 Nm / 184 lb.ft. to 500 Nm / 369 lb.ft.

Tarraco vs Kodiaq performance

On the lower end almost the same performance, top of the range Kodiaq faster and quicker
On the lower end almost the same performance, top of the range Kodiaq faster and quicker

The slowest Seat Tarraco has a top speed of 198 km/h / 123 mph, while the fastest version can go up to 211 km/h / 131 mph.

The slowest Skoda Kodiaq reaches the maximum speed of 195 km/h / 121 mph, and the fastest option available goes to 221 km/h / 137 mph.

Seat Tarraco accelerates from 0-100 kilometers per hour (0-62 miles per hour) between 9,8 (slowest version) and 8 seconds (quickest version).

The technical specification for Skoda Kodiaq shows that this car model accelerates from 0-100 kilometers per hour (0-62 miles per hour) between 9,8 (slowest version) and 6,9 seconds (quickest version).

Is the price difference big enough to determine the winner?

The price difference: around 2.000 EUR/GBP. Big enough to change your mind?
The price difference: around 2.000 EUR/GBP. Big enough to change your mind?

The prices and availability of the specific car model may vary from country to country, but based on the markets we monitor (in this case UK and Germany), we can say that Skoda Kodiaq might be more affordable to buy, comparing its base model price with Seat Tarraco. The difference is around 2.000 EUR. For more info, please check your local dealership.


What to say about these nearly identical twins from different countries, Seat Tarraco and Skoda Kodiaq? They both come from the Volkswagen Group. They are almost identical in size, even the price can not be a decisive factor when choosing the right one for you. The slightly sportier character (Tarraco) or a bit better family usability (Kodiaq) will probably prevail.

And yes, don’t forget the third brother in this family, VW Tiguan.

★ ★ Credits: ★ ★
➜ Video Music: Inner Light by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
➜ Original images are taken from the manufacturers and/or Euro NCAP press releases and transformed/resized for the purpose of research and comparison (World Auto Evolution Youtube Channel).

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