Skoda Karoq vs Kodiaq (2018) – the obvious size difference

Skoda Karoq vs Skoda Kodiaq comparison
Skoda Karoq vs Skoda Kodiaq comparison

Today, we would like you to show the difference between Skoda Karoq vs Skoda Kodiaq. Do you need more space, better performance, lower price? This article might help you a little bit. Or a lot.

It is obvious that Kodiaq is much bigger SUV than Karoq, but how much bigger it is? Is Karoq maybe big enough for your needs? See below and find out the differences.

Video comparison between Skoda Karoq vs Skoda Kodiaq

Please note that this is only a technical comparison, based solely on technical data of both cars. Not a real-life Skoda Karoq vs Skoda Kodiaq review.

In the video above, you can find the differences between Karoq vs Kodiaq in the following categories:

  • External dimensions (length, width, height, wheelbase, ground clearance)
  • Interior dimensions (headroom, legroom, shoulder room)
  • Cargo volume/luggage compartment, weight
  • Maximum power, maximum torque, top speed, acceleration 0-100 km/h / 0-62 mph
  • Price

Exterior dimensions: Karoq is much smaller

Compared to Kodiaq, Karoq is much smaller
Compared to Kodiaq, Karoq is much smaller

Skoda Karoq is 4382 mm / 172,5 inches long, 1841 mm / 72,5 inches wide, 1607 mm / 63,3 inches high, and has 2638 mm / 103,9 inches long wheelbase. Its ground clearance is 172 mm / 6,8 inches.

Skoda Kodiaq is 4697 mm / 184,9 inches long, 1882 mm / 74,1 inches wide, 1676 mm / 66 inches high, and has 2791 mm / 109,9 inches long wheelbase. Its ground clearance is 188 mm / 7,4 inches.

That means that Skoda Karoq is 315 mm shorter, 41 mm narrower, 69 mm lower, with 153 mm shorter wheelbase, and has 16 mm less ground clearance compared to Skoda Kodiaq.

Luggage compartment: no secrets, Kodiaq wins

For its class and size, Karoq offers a lot of volume, but Kodiaq is a clear winner here
For its class and size, Karoq offers a lot of luggage volume, but Kodiaq is a clear winner here

Skoda Karoq has 521 liters of luggage volume (VDA, seats up). With rear seats folded down, the cargo capacity extends to 1630 liters.

On the other hand, Skoda Kodiaq has 720 liters of luggage volume (VDA, seats up). With rear seats folded down, the cargo capacity extends to 2065 liters.

Therefore, Skoda Karoq has 199 liters less volume when seats are up, and 435 less volume when the rear seats are folded down.

Engine power adjusted to vehicle size, new engines coming soon

The engine power of Skoda Karoq ranges from 116 HP / 85 kW to 190 HP / 140 kW. The maximum torque is available from 200 Nm / 148 lb.ft. to 400 Nm / 295 lb.ft.

Skoda Kodiaq engines are currently available from 125 HP / 92 kW to 190 HP / 140 kW, with 240 HP / 177 kW engine coming very soon. Depending on the engine, the maximum torque is available from 200 Nm / 148 lb.ft. to 400 Nm / 295 lb.ft.

Karoq vs Kodiaq performance

The slowest Skoda Karoq has a top speed of 186 km/h / 116 mph, while the fastest version can go up to 211 km/h / 131 mph.

The slowest Skoda Kodiaq reaches the maximum speed of 190 km/h / 118 mph, and the fastest option available goes to 210 km/h / 130 mph.

Skoda Karoq accelerates from 0-100 kilometers per hour (0-62 miles per hour) between 10,7 (slowest version) and 7,8 seconds (quickest version).

The technical specification for Skoda Kodiaq shows that this car model accelerates from 0-100 kilometers per hour (0-62 miles per hour) between 10,5 (slowest version) and 8,0 seconds (quickest version).

Karoq compensates weaker engines with lower weight, therefore the difference in performance is very small.

Karoq vs Kodiaq price comparison

Due to lack of basic trim level price, this comparison does not show the right picture
Due to lack of basic trim level price, this comparison does not show the right picture

The price for Skoda Karoq with basic trim level is not yet available, so we use the Ambition trim level. The difference between basic and Ambition trim level at Skoda Kodiaq is around 2.700 EUR in Germany. So for a better and more accurate price comparison between Karoq and Kodiaq, you should add 2.700 EUR to Kodiaq’s price.

See also:

★ ★ Credits: ★ ★
➜ Music: Inner Light by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
➜ Original images are taken from the manufacturers and/or Euro NCAP press releases and transformed/resized for the purpose of research and comparison.

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